Friday, April 23, 2010


Haven't blog since last 2 weeks, and so many things came up. The good and bad, biasalah hidup kan. Kalau baik je setiap masa tak merasalah yang tak baik. I think the biggest problem now and maybe forever is ... mo-ney. I dont think I'll get enough money to get everything that I want. Okay, malas nak fikir.

Err I think I changed, so much. I feels something wierd lately. Dont know what is it, but it's wierd. I should go sooner kot, hehh. I can't wait to enter what others calls "campus life. I just want it faster, hehhe.

Just want to say that my life is boring! No car, no money, no new shoes, no new handbag, no holidays, no shopping, no iPhone, no great life, no good company, no nothing!



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